Monday, May 11, 2009

26 Weeks

Well, here I am at 26 weeks. Over the past couple of days, Jackson has been really moving and kicking. I'm not complaining at all about it, though, because it is very reassuring and I love it. What hasn't been fun at all is the increasingly horrible heartburn that has become a daily thing. I am getting it after every meal now, and it wakes me up at night. Last night, I woke up choking from it and was up about every hour from the pain. Taking Tums gives me some relief, but I am worried that it is only going to get worse as I get bigger. So I am going to stop eating earlier in the evening with hopes that that helps. If the old wives tale is true that heartburn=hairy baby, then we are going to have a mini wolfman on our hands! :) As far as any cravings, really the biggest cravings for me are: ANY type of breakfast food (especially french toast, eggs, sausage, grits, and sugary cereal), fresh fruit (esp. strawberries, grapes, and pineapple), peanut butter, and krispy kreme donuts!! Speaking of strawberries, I went through three different batches last week...the first two tasted funny to me and we threw them out, and so we finally went to the farmers market where we found a good batch. I guess I am just really particular about my strawberries!

Justin is doing well and started his classes this week. I know he is going to do great in all of his classes and he will be graduating before we know it! Also, Justin has been taking such good care of me and is constantly making sure that I am comfortable and happy. I feel very blessed to have such a great husband, who I know is going to be a fantastic daddy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness-I hope your heartburn goes away PRONTO!!! Good luck to Justin, I am sure he is going to do wonderfully!!! Love ya-Jess and Stephen.
