Monday, October 26, 2009

11 Weeks

Jackson just continues to grow like a weed every day. Some days I look at him and he just looks so much taller and older, almost like he is growing by the minute. He smiles ALL the time now, and he is just a very pleasant, happy baby. He sleeps for 8 hours every night now, although last night he woke up screaming from what I can only assume was an upset tummy. It was definitely a painful cry :( That was way out of the ordinary for him, but he settled right back down after he fed and went back to sleep until 8 AM. He is back to normal today, though and has been a very content baby ever since. Also, since he was born we have been swaddling him at night so that he would sleep a little better, but he has begun busting out of his swaddle. I mean, he completely busts out of it and it is one of those velcro swaddle me things, so he is a strong little guy. I guess this was his way of telling us that he was over it, so his days of being swaddled to sleep are officially over.

I know this is going to sound crazy, but for the last few weeks he has been really drooling a lot and last night I noticed that he has a pointy edge in his gums, sort of where one of his canines would be. I rubbed my finger across it and it feels gummy, but there isnt one on the other side of his mouth. Is it possible that he is teething? I know it is really early for that, so maybe it is just how his gums are naturally? Plus, I also know that the first teeth that babies usually cut is one of their primary incisors, so maybe it really is nothing. Justin's mom was in town and she looked at it and said it almost looks like the beginnings of a tooth wanting to come in, but she wasnt completely sure. So it is a mystery for now. He isnt fussy, running a fever, biting, or rubbing at it...he is just drooling a lot. I guess time will tell!

Speaking of Justin's mom, she and Carl came to visit and Jackson had a wonderful time spending the weekend with them. He was so good and gave lots of smiles. They babysat for us while we went to my 10 year reunion, which was lots of fun. I wish more people showed up for the reunion, but we still had a great time. Anyway, Jackson did well the first night, but was a little fussy for them the second night. Yesterday, we all went out to Awendaw for lunch and had a fabulous lunch at SeeWee. I got some shrimp, fried okra, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and hush puppies...YUM!

Please excuse the blurry pics this week. Not sure why they turned out that way. We also got our pictures back from Kim, which turned out wonderfully! Now we can get the birth announcements done and sent out. I wish we had gotten the pics done sooner, but oh well. Better late than never, right?
Here are a few:

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