Tomorrow is Rhett's 2 month well visit. I can't wait to see how much he weighs and how tall he is. I am dreading the shots, though! Hopefully they won't bother him too much :(
He is such a little chunker at 8 weeks old! He looks as big as Jackson did at 16 weeks old and he is wearing the same clothes that Jackson did at twice his age. In fact, Rhett is beginning to bust out of his 3 month old stuff. He is starting to get some Michelin man rolls, which Jackson never got..haha!
Rhett transitioned well from his swaddle to a sleep sack, but he is still in his bassinet in the pack n play. He is so big that he feet are banging the end of it at night, so we will be taking the bassinet off soon.
I still can't believe how much Rhett coos and interacts with us. He will hold a full on "conversation" of back and forth cooing and smiles. He loves the attention. Also, diaper changes have become much more pleasant because now he loves to look up and smile at me the whole time. He is still a feisty, dramatic little guy when he is angry, which continues to be rarely (thank God!). I wonder what that will translate to in the toddler years..yikes!
As far as sleep, he is doing great and still giving good 6 hour stretches or so at a time. He is definitely a noisy sleeper though-always grunting and kicking. During the days he is great at taking his nap when Jackson does, so that has been a nice little nap for me as well! Rhett definitely still wants to be held all the time during the day, but he will let me put him in his bouncy seat now. He is still pretty anti-swing, except for about 30 minutes or so in the morning.
His cradle cap is pretty bad right now, but it always looks so much better after a bath. We have pictures with Kim next week, so the plan is to do his bath right before so that it doesn't show up in the photos. I hope things go well when we have our photos taken and both boys are in good moods that day! :)
Here are some photos of Rhett at 8 Weeks:
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
2 months ago
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