Friday, November 23, 2012

Rhett-7 months old

It's no surprise that I am way late with this, but I will backtrack to what Rhett was doing at 7 months old. At  7 months, Rhett:

-Got his first 2 teeth at the same time-the bottom ones while we were at Disney World!  I should have known that Rhett would get his bottom first since Jackson got his top ones first since they are so different :) I miss my baby's gummy smile, but he sure is cute with his little teeth popping out! His two top teeth are bulging out of his gums and should pop through any day now. It is wreaking all kinds of havoc on his (and ours!) sleep. Now if only I could get him to stop nipping while he nurses!

-He is SO close to crawling. He can go from laying down to sitting up and everything in between. He really thinks he is something when he sit up and gets really proud of himself. He rocks on all fours and will lunge to get what he wants. He has moved forward a little bit, but I dont consider it crawling until he can crawl longer distances. We found out he can pull up to standing in his crib and pack and play so Justin has lowered both.

-He is not sleeping well AT ALL. I am incredible sleep deprived and it is wearing me down day by day. I guess it is combination of several things that have made his sleep so bad. And by bad-let me give you an example. On an average night, he goes down at 7:45, wakes up fussing at 8:15, 10, 11, 12, 2, 4, and then every 15 minutes or so between 4-6 AM. I am a zombie. He usually wakes up for good between 6:30 and 7 AM. I feed him at 11, 2, and 4 AM. The rest of the time I pick him up and rock him back to sleep. So that is my first mistake, I know. I have always been super responsive to him at night to keep him from waking Justin and Jackson and I realize that I have created a lot of the issue. Also, he got a cold around 6 1/2 months that messed with his sleep and then his teeth popping through at 7 months. I dont know how much longer and can keep it up but I keep hoping it will get like it was when we first moved him to his crib. I miss sleep so much :( I used to think that Jackson was a bad sleeper, but he has nothing on his baby brother!!

-He is increadibly social! He hasnt had any stranger anxiety and is always wanting to be part of every conversation, even if he is not invited..haha! He will stare people down with his beautifiul smile until they acknowledge him. I have had so many people tell me that I should put him on Youtube!

-He is so vocal and always hollering about something. He sometimes "sings" when he is nursing and is always talking to me. He will grunt at me and I will grunt back at him and we will go back and forth until he starts laughing. He is mainly still using vowel sounds and his new favorite is "ohhhhh".

-He remains feisty as ever. He refuses to be ignored and makes his precense known. He does not like it if I am out of his line of sight and will fuss until I reappear. He has masetered the "fake cry", which I am sure Jackson taught him well! He is definitely not as mellow as Jackson was as a baby. He is in constant motion and when he gets excited about something, he will move his wrists and ankles in circles over and over again, which is really funny.

-He's still doing great with baby food and trying new things. His current favorites are mangoes and sweet potatoes. He flat out refuses a bottle, and has decided that he would rather go hungry when I am gone all day to meetings than take a bottle. Thankfully I do not have many all day work meetings, but I hate that he wont take it. I cant wait for him to drink some water out of a sippy cup and eat snacks since he wont take bottles anymore.

-He got his first ear infection at almost 7 months, which is new territory for us since Jackson has still never had one. One day he started crying (screaming) and woudn't stop. We didnt know what else to do but take him to the dr and they found a very early and mild ear infection in one ear. Boo! On one hand I felt like a failure that he had to take antibiotics at almost 7 months old when Jackson was well over a year old until he needed them, but on the other hand I guess it is not so bad since he has had a few colds and has been exposed to so many more germs with big brother around. Still, I hope there are not any more to come!

-He weighs a little over 20 lbs and he is a solid little guy. I love this baby boy so much and I can't believe he is already 7 months old! I hope at the 8 month update I can report that he is sleeping better! :)

Here are some photos at 7 months old:

He is always smiling!

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