I can't believe that in just a couple of short weeks, our baby will be 1 year old....crazy! I also can't believe that this time last year I was still pregnant. It feels like ages ago. It is amazing how fast time goes by when you have babies! At 11 months old:
-Rhett now says "Mama" in addition to "Dada"! If I go to walk out of the room, Rhett will yell "MAMA!" with his arms outstretched and the saddest look on his face. Of course I have to go pick him up and love on him. Does this kid have my number, or what?
-Tooth number 6 (left upper lateral incisor) is going to break through his gum any day now. He has got the cutest smile with his little rabbit teeth!
-He is fussing/yelling out more and more when he is unhappy. I know he has learned it all from watching Jackson. He studies Jackson constantly and tries to imitate him. Lunch time is especially fun. If I don't constantly feed Rhett his yogurt (his favorite food), he will fuss in between bites. He gets this really irritated but fake frown on his face and glares at me until I give in. I have said it before, but I am guessing the toddler years are going to be extra fun with this boy! :)
-He is always laughing about something and seems to have a great sense of humor. He doesn't get stranger anxiety at all. He just stares people down and will sometimes smile at them. Other times he will smile and "hide" by laying his head on my shoulder. But he doesn't cry like I thought he would be doing at this stage.
-He is doing a little better with eating finger foods. He has taken small bites of crackers, toast, cheerios, and a tortilla chip. I am trying all sorts of foods (bananas, cheese, noodles, etc) but he picks it up and throws it. I keep offering it in hopes that he will eat it. He still loves baby food and yogurt, though! And he is fully on a sippy cup of water, which is great!
-His sleep has been pretty good lately. He sleeps from 8pm-7am and is awake usually 1-2 times through the night to nurse. He still takes 2 naps that total about 2 hours each day.
-He is a walking machine. He walks wherever he wants to go now. He also loves jumping in his jumparoo and exersaucer.
-He does amazing at throwing a ball. We roll it to him and he will throw it back. We are still pretty sure he will be left handed.
-He loves to clap, and has started waving every now and then. He will gesture towards things with his hands stretched out and his pointer finger raised, but I don't know if we can consider it "pointing" yet. He loves to "talk" to Annabelle our cat and he also loves to "talk" to me while is nursing, although he normally ends up laughing when I make funny noises back at him.
-Diaper changes are almost impossible. He squirms and flips over and we have to constantly keep him distracted or there's no way we'd be able to change him.
-He has become even more affectionate in the last month. He will put his arms around my neck and hug me or lay his head down on my shoulder. He is also giving the sweetest wet kisses!
I am going to do another family/Jackson update soon. We have some exciting changes happening around these parts (no, I am not pregnant :) For now, here are some photos of Rhett at 11 months:
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