Rhett continues to be a little spitfire and keeps us on our toes for sure :) At 16 months:
-I can't even believe that I am typing this, but he went on a nursing strike for about 5 days. It came out of nowhere and he absolutely REFUSED to nurse and looked insulted if I even offered it. I tried not to let it bother me, but I felt kinda rejected. That sounds silly when I type it out. More importantly, I did not want it to end so abruptly. Thankfully he still nursed throughout the night in his sleep, so my supply stayed a-ok. Then, just like that, he wanted to nurse again. Three of his molars cut through his gums during this time, so I am attributing it to that i guess!
-He is in a real mommy phase and constantly wants to be near me, be held, and for me to pay him attention. He is super affectionate on his terms, but is also quick to let me know if he is not happy or does not want to be messed with. He has a scowl that cracks me up every time he does it!
-He is really fascinated with body parts and wants me to point out everything. He can point to his eyes, nose, teeth, mouth, ears, hair, toes, belly button, and fingers. He loves to brush his own teeth and hair.
-The second he wakes up in the morning, he wants to hit the ground running to play and does not want to snuggle in the bed. On the flip side, after his 2 hour nap at nap time, he is usually wakes up grumpy and takes a good 30 minutes to get out of his funk.
-He is still in a habit of grunting and pointing to what he wants. We have really been making a solid effort to make him try and say words to express what he wants. He is getting better about saying words, but he seems to get really shy when you ask him to repeat things. During the day when he is playing and not being asked to say things, he will often start talking more. Some new words: seeds, snacks (nack!), monkey (key!), I love you (uh yuh!), hair, eat, hey, cheese
-He is still super shy with strangers. If you are not in his inner circle, he will usually not do or say much to you. If he knows you well, he will show you his dance moves, wave, blow kisses, talk, smile, and play peek a boo.
-Still left handed, still green eyed, still super musical
-We started introducing cows milk. He doesn't like it, but he will tolerate it for about 3 sips.
-He has some sort of food allergy. He gets very faint and fleeting patches of what looks like very mild excema on his trunk and occasional on his legs. We can't pinpoint what is causing it, but we will most likely be getting him allergy tested at 2 years old. Hopefully he will grow out of it, as toddlers often do. Thankfully it is very mild and does not appear to bother him at all.
-Sleep-some nights good, some nights terrible and no obvious rhyme or reason behind it
-He continues to be super happy and silly, but extremely stubborn. As always, he absolutely adores his big brother and imitates him constantly. We are getting a small glimpse into the "terrible twos" as I have seen a few displays that may translate to tantrums further down the line. So far, nothing major, though!
-He listens and follows direction incredibly well. We are really impressed with his ability to follow simple commands. He also cleans up his toys before he leaves a room. Not sure how long that will last :) See, although he looks just like me, he does have some of Justin in him after all!
Pics from our baby boy at 16 months old:
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