I am a bit behind on the blog-I still need to write about Jackson's 3rd Birthday party, Jackson 3 year old update, visit with family, and also post Rhett's professional baby photos. I am behind for good reason, though! During my free time in the evenings, I have been planning our vacation to DISNEY WORLD!! We leave in a couple of months. Woohoo! We will be staying for about a week in the Art of Animation resort and we will be in a
Cars suite. I have been busy making restaurant reservations, researching how to go about taking a 3 year old and 6 month old on the trip, etc. I am SO excited to see Jackson's face when we get there. We decided to do Magic Kingdom and Epcot. I think Hollywood studios would be a bit much. Anyway, more on that later! :)
As for Rhett-Our baby is already 4 1/2 months old...hard to believe! Here are some of the new updates over the last few weeks:
-After he got his 4 month shots, he spiked a 102 fever and was so irritable and fussy. His fever went down with tylenol, but then would keep going back up to 102. Justin was out of town that night, so it was a looong night for me up with Rhett. His tummy was upset too. I think maybe it was a little upset from the Rotovirus vaccine. Long story short, I called our awesome friend Dr. Drew (who was on vacation in Vermont at the time, which I didnt know) and he advised me to stop the tylenol and see what the fever did the next day. Dr. Drew called several times to check in on us (what a guy!) and said that although he suspected it could be a reaction to the vaccines, I should probably still take him in since his fever was pretty high and he was under 6 months old. At the dr office, we had a wonderful physican examine Rhett who suspected it was just a reaction to the vaccines since his ears looked fine. To be safe, we decided to take a urine sample to be sure it was not a UTI. Poor little Rhett had to get a catheter twice because they couldnt get urine the first time. I felt so bad for him, but it seemed to be more uncomfortable for him, rather than super painful. Everything came back fine, and Rhett was good the next day so it was just a reaction to the vaccines.
-He is teething in a major way. Some days are better than others, but he just gnaws on the cold teething rings and his hands.
-He is finally starting to sleep a little bit better. I am pretty sure this is due to the fact that he can roll onto his tummy and sleep that way now. I am getting about 3 hour stretches again, so that is nice. We will be moving him into his crib in his room soon, so I wonder how that may change things. Naps are still not as consistent as I would like. He is a little cat-napper. He sleeps every 2 1/2 hours or so for 30 minutes each time. I hope those 30 minute naps will soon evolve into longer naps!
-He eats all of the time! We are going to start solids right after labor day, so he will be 5 months old at the time. I am looking forward to sitting him in his high chair with us at dinner and feeding him. We have already started stocking up on some fun organic baby foods. There is so much more brand variety of organic food than there was when Jackson was a baby.
-He loves being carried around by his daddy in the baby bjorn. He just looks around at everyone and smiles. I love my happy boy. Strangers love to walk up and make him smile. His smile lights up a room!
-He does not enjoy the car as much as Jackson did as a baby. Jackson used to be really easy to take around and would fall asleep almost instantly in a car. Rhett does pretty well, but after a certain point, he gets irritable and fussy. He will only sleep for about 30-40 minutes in his carseat. That may have something to do with Jackson talking and singing next to him, though. With Jackson, he had complete quiet when he was a baby. It will be interesting to see how the trip Orlando goes!
As for me, I am having a raging case of post-partum hair loss. It is so bad! I am getting (almost) bald patches around my temples/forehead. I just got my hair cut to my shoulders a few days ago, so it looks a little bit better, but it has to stop soon. If not, I wont have any hair left! :)
Hey Amber! We were thinking about taking the kids to Disney next year, but we really weren't sure how Nathaniel would do. I'd love to hear how Jackson does on your trip.