Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rhett-6 months old!

Here are his official stats from last weeks 6 month well visit:

Weight-18 lbs 6 oz-65th percentile
Height-29 inches-99th percentile
Head Circumference-17 in-31st percentile

He had a good appt and is doing great at hitting his milestones. He was happy for most of the appt, but got fussy (and hungry) toward the end. Of course, he had his 6 month shots and was not happy about it. He cried for about a minute and then was fine. Until of course, he woke up from his afternoon nap crying out in pain. This has happened every time he has gotten his shots. This time he ran a fever of about 101 for a good 36 hours and was pretty miserable and fussy. Ugh, I wish he didn't have such a reaction, but I know it could be worse. Thankfully it didn't last too long and he is back to his happy self! He did get a flu shot a few weeks ago and took that like a champ with no fever/fussiness, so that was nice!

At 6 months old, Rhett is

-Sleeping much better now that he is in his own crib. The first week that we put him in his crib, he slept for the whole night for the first time and did amazing the rest of the week. It was SO nice but let me just say that I extremely uncomfortable when I woke up and hadn't nursed him through the night. That first week was great, but then he got shots and then another very mild cold, so he has begun waking a good bit through the night again. It is pretty inconsistent. Sometimes he is up 1-2 times, and some times every hour (Argh!). The worst part (aside from getting no good sleep) is that he fusses/cries when he wakes up and it has woken Jackson up as well. It will get better, though!

-an eating machine! He is eating solids for breakfast and dinner now. I usually do fruit in the morning and veggies at night. He has loved everything he has tried except for peas, which he gagged on. I can't believe the wonderful variety of organic choices there are now compared to when Jackson was a baby. Tonight I gave Rhett a combo of spinach, pears, and mangoes and he gobbled it all up! He is still exclusively on breast milk and a champ at nursing. He has started biting me, though, which is no fun. Thankfully he still doesn't have teeth, so it's not too damaging.

-wearing 12 month clothes, although the jammies are starting to get to short/tight. I think he will be in 18 month clothes by Christmas. He wears mostly hand-me-downs from Jackson, be we do make sure to get him some special clothes of his own too.

-getting on all fours and trying to crawl. He is getting close to crawling, but not there yet. He is great at scooting backward and spinning himself around on his belly.

-a strong and WILLFUL little baby! He loves to grab everything in front of him, put it in his mouth and will not let it go. He especially loves my hair, Jackson's cup, my face (yes, my face!), his toys, his toes, etc. He has got a strong little grip. When he is done with something, he throws it down and fusses.

-He continues to be a talker and he has definitely got something to say. Right now it comes out as Aaaaahs, Goos and Ohhhs, so I can't wait to see what his first word will be.

-He loves "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", "If you're Happy and you Know It", and "Pat-A-Cake". The other day he was fussing because he was in his high chair and I was making lunch for everyone. Since it was just me and him in the house, I sang him the whole song "Bobby McGee" (Janis Joplin version, of course) and he went crazy kicking his legs and smiling the whole tie. haha Either he really liked my singing or he was laughing at me (most likely laughing!)

-He is still crazy about Enya music. I don't get it, but he loves it!

-He loves his big brother so much and thinks everything Jackson does is funny. He watches Jackson like a hawk all of the time and laughs at him when he is being silly, which Jackson loves. When Jackson gets upset and cries, it upsets Rhett too, which is so sweet.

-I finally realized that he was born with a "stork bite" on the back of his head right above his neck. His hair covers it. We always noticed it, but I thought it was just a rash and his cradle cap was SO bad, that it was hard to tell if it was just inflamed or a stork bite. Now that his head cradle cap has resolved and he is getting a lot of light brown hair, it is easier to see and it is definitely a stork bite. Once his hair fully grows in, I doubt we will be able to see it anymore.

-No doubt about it, his eyes are turning green. Right now they are a gorgeous blue/green color. I don't know if they will turn all the way green or stay blue/green. His smile continues to light up the room. He looks almost exactly like I did as a baby right now. Jackson's eyes have a hint of green in them, but they are still mostly a beautiful blue color. Both of my boys are so handsome!

-Rhett is so much fun and such a joy in our lives! I am trying to be sure to soak in these precious moments with our baby boy and I am loving this age with him. Happy 1/2 year birthday sweet boy!

I LOVE this picture!

 Feed Me!

 Check out my baby jeans!
 Love it! Yes, that is a Mohawk made out of sweat that Jackson is sporting-He loved it!
I'm looking pretty rough after nap time, but just keeping it real :)
Our precious babies!
 First time in a swing-he loved it! (James Island County Park)

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