Saturday, February 9, 2013

9 Month Update

Here are his official stats from his 9 month well visit:

Weight: 20 lbs 6 oz- 59th percentile
Height: 30 3/4 in- 99th percentile!
Head Circumference: 17 3/4 in- 47th percentile
BMI: 15.2

This boy is growing, for sure! In fact, everywhere we go people think he is at least a year old. My baby is starting to get out of that "baby" phase, and I just want time to slow down! At 9 months old:

-He is babbling all of the time! One day he found some new sounds and he loves to use them. He yells things like "yayayaya", "gagagaga", "dadadada", etc. He also learned the "c" sounds and will say "cah" and good bit.

-He is clapping and gesturing. He is reaching for things and he is almost waving. Actually we think he has waved several times, but it's just not consistent yet.

-He got another (mild) cold a few weeks ago, which was horrible for his sleep. He gets so irritated when he is congested and wakes up wailing every hour or so. Seriously it was about 5 days of completely horrible sleep deprivation for me. Thankfully he is better and finally back to waking only once or twice through the night again.

-He still has 4 teeth, but tooth #5 (on the top) is bulging in his gums and taking forever to pop through.

-He is still doing great with baby food, but refuses all finger foods. I have tried many things and the only thing he will put in his mouth is a piece of Mum Mum, which he promptly gags on. The doctor says to keep trying, but I do hope he will start eating some finger foods soon! I started him on some baby food meat purees, and he HATES them! I have to trick him by giving him a spoonful of meat blend, and then a spoonful of fruit to chase it down. He is doing well with veggie blends, though! Also, he loves his yogurt (all flavors!).

-He is in constant motion and a busy boy! Diaper changes are so difficult now. Also, he wants to crawl and pull up on everything. He goes for long periods of standing without holding on to anything. I am waiting for those first steps to come soon and then the real fun begins!

-He remains feisty as ever. He is protesting more and more now when he doesn't like something, particularly if you take something away that he was playing with. At the same time, though, he is a sweet boy that loves to snuggle and be loved on...just on his terms. Most of the time he wants to go go go!

-His new word that he says constantly is "up"! I don't know if it counts as a first word, but he says it first think when he wakes up, all day long, and even in his sleep.

-Jackson continues to be his favorite person ever! It doesn't matter what Jackson does, Rhett finds it hilarious! Rhett just laughs and laughs at Jackson all of the time. It is really sweet to see their bond at such an early age. Now that Rhett is mobile and getting bigger, Jackson wants to play with him more and will often get excited and play a little too rough with Rhett. That is something that we are working on with Jackson right now, but it is all out of love. Jackson is so sweet with his brother and it melts my heart to see them playing and laughing together.

-Rhett loves to dance! I love to see him shaking his little bootie! Jackson also loves to dance and I LOVE watching them both!

-Both boys continue to be on the same nap schedule during the day (YES!). I won't lie, it is really nice! Rhett does take an extra nap in the morning, but they are down the exact same time in the afternoons. There are at least 1.5 hours in the day where the house is quiet and we get a break. On the weekends, we all take naps and it is wonderful!

-Rhett's 10 month update is coming soon, as he actually turned 10 months old a few days ago. Here are some pictures and photos of Rhett at 9 months old (and Jackson at almost 3 1/2). Love them forever and always!

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