Good Grief-I am always late with these updates! He actually turns 15 months tomorrow, so let me back track a bit:
At 14 months:
-YEP, here comes the broken record...His sleep is SO BAD!! I just don't know what to do. I thought Jackson's sleep was bad when he was still waking 2-3 times per night at this age, but Rhett has taken it to another level! So he falls asleep fine, and the beginning of the night is always pretty good. But he still wakes and cries out every 2-3 hours. BUT THEN 4 am rolls around, and I now call it the witching hour. You can set your clock by it: from 4-5:30 am he is up about every 15-20 minutes. Then he settles back down. I can hear his stomach rumbling a little bit and he seems slightly uncomfortable and he just wants to be near me and held. I have two theories: I think it is maybe the iron supplement messing with his tummy, or his molars coming in (or a combo of both?). Either way, I am way more sleep deprived than I ever thought possible. It has got to get better and soon.
-On a more positive note, man-he has just blossomed so much in the last month! He is saying so many words and understanding so much of what we say. I have to say, my favorite "new" word is....Mama! He babbled it many months ago, but then stopped saying it. Now he calls for me and knows that I am mama and it so sweet to hear! Some other new words: Two, Blue, Three and Moo. He still loves to say "Car" and zoom his cars and trains around. He has begun making monkey noises (ooh ooh ahh ahh!) and meows for a kitty.
-He gets increasingly affectionate and will love on animals/characters in a book, stuffed animals (his current favorite is his "Chip" from Chip and Dale, and people. He loves to put his arms around my neck and pull me in for a hug/kiss! But as per usual, his favorite person to love on is Jackson. The mornings in our bed are probably my favorite time of the day. Both boys snuggle with us and they are so affectionate with each other. Jackson and Rhett will hug on each other and Rhett loves to lay his head on Jackson. Rhett found Jackson's ears the other morning and kept sticking his fingers in them, which made Jackson giggle.
-At night when I nurse Rhett, lately he will stop nursing for a bit and just gaze right up into my eyes. When I smile at him, he gives me a big smile back and just stares at me. I wonder what he is thinking. He seems especially happy in these moments. Sometimes he takes a big breathe and just lets out a sigh while he's staring up at me. What a sweetie!
-He is totally left handed. It's officially official! He does everything with his left hand and I think that is pretty cool. His hair is getting blonde, he remains fair-skinned, and his eyes are almost totally green. He and Jackson are so different: Jackson is blue eyed (hint of green), brown haired, right handed, and olive complected. In some baby pictures of Jackson, I see a lot of Rhett though. I will have to do some comparison photos soon!
-Rhett has completely rejected baby food. I'm not loving that because he doesn't really eat veggies or fruit, so it is harder to get those in him. I have to mix it in with his yogurt. He loves grilled cheese, veggie chips, hamburger (yeah!), yogurt, cereal bars, and cheese. He recently had his first taste of grits from Paige's O.kra Grill and LOVED them. He doesn't like instant grits, though. He has tried rice, oatmeal, and macaroni. He will not put a single piece of fruit or veggie in his mouth, though. I will keep trying, though!
-He has begun putting his legs over the rails on his crib and pack and play. They are both at the lowest setting, so we are watching him closely to make sure that he can't get himself out yet. I think he must be pretty tall. We will see at his 15 mo well check next week.
-He loves to climb and is getting bolder and more brave at climbing things. Again, we really have to watch him. He wants to do everything his big brother does.
-He is really into T.homas the train right now. He loves to play with them push them around on the rails. He also loves to play with Jackson's cars too (much to Jackson's dismay :) Basically, he imitates whatever Jackson is doing. For example, If I am playing C.andyland with Jackson, Rhett will walk over and grab a playing piece, draw a card from the pile, and then start moving his playing piece all over the board (so cute!). But then this is usually followed by Rhett picking up the whole board and everything sliding off, which irritates Jackson.
-He continues to be pretty bashful in public. As I mentioned before, there are certain people that he will smile at and be coy with, but others where he stares you down. At W.hole Foods recently, the bagger was talking to him and trying to get him to smile, but Rhett was pretty stoned face. He eventually cracked a small smile and the bagger said, "Man, he really makes you work for it, doesn't he?". Yep, he does. Except at home and with people he knows, he is totally the smiliest boy who is actually a big ham. The girl who babysits him said he is so funny and was showing her all of these dance moves the other day. The boy's got crazy rhythm!
-He has begun getting jealous when I hold/comfort Jackson. As soon as I pick up Jackson, Rhett starts fussing and running toward me while holding out his arms for me. Jackson gets equally jealous when I hold Rhett. We always reassure them that there is plenty of love to go around! :)
Coming soon: Family Updates including Fathers Day, professional family pics, and Rhett's 15 month update!
And now...Pictures!
Both boys holding hands with Emerson
Brotherly Love!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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