Official 15 month stats from his well visit:
Weight-22 lbs, 4 oz: 41st percentile
Height-32.5 in: 90th percentile
Head circumference-18.5 in: 55th percentile
BMI: 15.5
-One big development is that all four molars decided to pop through in month 15! It has definitely caused him some pain and disrupted his sleep (more than usual), but the worst seems to be over.
-We are done with the special iron supplement...Hooray! His hemoglobin was 11.8 at his 15 month visit, so well within normal range. We will still give him a multivitamin with iron in it, but we are done with the super strong supplement.
-His doctor said he is right on track as far as development, and he was a happy little guy during his appointment until it was time for his shots :(
-He still wont eat vegetables or most fruits, but he is doing great otherwise with his eating. His current favs: Grilled cheese, cereal bars, goldfish, pancakes. Actually, when I type it out, it doesnt sound all that healthy. I still give him a fruit option with every meal, but he throws it. I am going to have to start sneaking it in things. He is on a yogurt strike right now and wont even take one bite.
-He is still nursing and I dont see him giving it up any time soon. I already know this one is not going to give it up without a fight. I plan on having about 5 more months of nursing. I nursed Jackson until he was just shy of 2 years old, and I want to do the same for Rhett.
-Anyway you slice it, his sleep through the night is just not good. Some nights are promising (wake 1-2 times), but they are just a tease because the next night is usually really bad as far as his fussing/waking. Still patiently waiting for the molars to fully come in before I reevaluate and come up with a plan to get him sleeping better at night.
-He loves music and his current favs are: The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, 5 Little Monkeys, Enya, and Paul Simon's "You can call me Al". Yes, you read that right!
-He has learned to scribble with crayons and play with playdough, although he still tries to eat it when he thinks I am not looking. He also loves to throw/kick a ball, zoom cars around, play with flashcards, and he absolutely adores reading books and being read to.
-Some new words: Chocolate/cookie (they sound the same), Disney, Love, teeth, tooth, toes
-Speaking of toes, he loves to point out body parts for me to tell him what they are. He especially loves pointing out my mouth, teeth, nose, and eyes.
-He has starting getting louder and more dramatic when he doesnt get his way. He pitches a decent fit with a frown that just breaks your heart. The good news is that it doesnt last long. He has begun retaliating against Jackson and will hit him if he gets mad. We are teaching him that it is not ok to do that.
-Otherwise, both boys play great together, although a little too wild for my liking. Boys will be boys, I guess. Love these so much!
Pics of Rhett at 15 months old:
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
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