Tuesday, January 20, 2009

10 Weeks!

I am so excited to be at 10 weeks. The baby is now considered a fetus instead of an embryo. This week, he/she is the size of a small plum!! I have put on about 2 pounds so far, and I am sure that is from the cheesy poofs, cheese fries, and tacos/enchiladas that I have been eating. BUT I have also been making sure to eat healthy fruits, vegetables, and protein as much as possible. I just have been having some moments of weakness!! Tollhouse cookies continue to make me gag, as well as salad and baked fish. I am looking forward to hearing the baby's heartbeat again next week at my drs appointment. Justin loves learning what new developments are happening with the baby each week. For example, this week, our baby's tail has disappeared! I think we were both glad to learn that!! HA!

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