Monday, April 26, 2010


For all you Happy Gilmore fans, when I see this picture, I can't help but think "Meesta Meeeesta, get me OUTTA HERE!!!" haha

A couple of updates:

Jackson now has 4 teeth! His bottom two have just popped through and boy are they sharp! Also, he is just so silly lately. He loves when you smile at him and he will give a big smile back and start "talking" or laughing. The past few days he has also been screeching alot and you can tell he is just having a ball doing it. He is now clapping and he absolutely expects you to make over it and praise him when he starts doing it. His new favorite thing is for me to go through each animal and make the sound that they make. He really loves "A COW goes MOOOOO!, A DOGGIE goes woof woof!, and A SHEEP goes BAAAAAA!" If he is fussing or crying he will instantly stop to listen to me go through each animal. This is helpful in calming him down during diaper changes when he becomes the great contortionist and twists all the way around!

Tomorrow starts day 1 of Mothers morning out. We are excited for him to have a new experience and to make some new friends to play with, but dreading the possible separation anxiety that may come. Still, it is good for him to be around other babies. He will only be there for 3 hours and I will be close by if need be. Justin and I are thinking that he may get his first sickness from starting this program, but at least he has his flu shots now. I still can't believe he is almost 9 months old and has never even had a cold. I know that he needs to get sick in order to build up some more immunity, but that knowledge certainly won't make it any easier! Wish us luck!

He is a crawling machine and he is such a bruiser. He loves to bang, pick up, and throw his heavy toys. He is now on a mission to use any and all toys to try and pull up to standing. He is also determined to yank on our blinds and he makes a beeline for bathrooms, power cords, and shoes. We can't take our eyes off of him for a minute. We are in the process of finishing babyproofing the house, and babygates will be going up soon! We are also getting rid of our coffee table and replacing it with a leather storage ottoman, which will be a lot more baby-friendly than our current table with very sharp edges. For as busy and wild as he is right now, he is also extremely affectionate and loving. He is still pretty clingy to me right now, but he has his special moments with his daddy throughout the day and they have their own little games that they play together. Still when he is tired/cranky/fussy, all he wants is me and he will cry if I walk out of the room for a second. I think that has alot to do with me still nursing him too.

I also have been meaning to post about Jackson's newest cousin, Kendall. Kendall Elise was born on April 11th and she is so beautiful! We all can't wait to meet her and we are so excited for Brooke, Adrian, and Kaylan. Here are a couple of pictures. Kaylan is going to BREAK some poor boys hearts one day with those gorgeous baby blues. In fact, all of my neices (5 of them!) are such beautiful and perfect little girls and we are so proud of each one of them. And at the present time, they ALL have blue eyes! It will be interesting to see if all of them (including Jackson) are blue-eyed. Jackson is way outnumbered by the girls, but no doubt they will all keep him on his toes! Welcome baby Kendall!! PS-Check out Kaylan's personalized scrubs...too cute!

The only other news is that I had my standing 6 month breast exam w/ Dr. Cole, my favorite surgeon in the world today. I got the all clear that everything looks good. I even had an ultrasound to check on the area of mastitis, and things have cleared up nicely. Dr. Cole is really great because he puts up with my special kind of crazy, much like my OB does. And the best part is that I get to act all professional in my dealings with Dr. Cole when our paths cross for my job, but deep down he knows what a loon I am. And I love that he never makes me feel like a hypochondriac, although 3 breast ultrasounds in a year might suggest that! Is it sad that during my ultrasound, I was able to identify blood vessels, milk ducts, ribs, and lymph nodes? I was just as bad with my ultrasounds during pregnancy too. I am the ultrasound QUEEN!! Hey, better safe than sorry!

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