Another month has flown by! Here is Jackson's 15 month update:
-He dropped his first nap of the day, so he is down to one nap a day. He naps, like clockwork, from 1:45-3:45 every day. This has definitely allowed us a little bit more freedom during the days when we are out and about with him. We used to be slaves to the nap schedule, but now we have more time to get out and play, which is great.
-His 4 first molars came in, all at the same time at 14 1/2 months. In the last week, we now see that all 4 of his cuspids (canines) have broken through the gums. This boy has a mouthful of teeth! He hasn't seemed too bad with all of the new teeth coming in. We may have had a few days of discomfort/whinyness, but thankfully nothing major. I have heard the real fun comes when his second molars appear. Also, he loves brushing his teeth. We have his first dentist appt. coming up next month. I hope he does well!
-He continues to surprise us with new words/skills every day. Some his favorite words: UP!, wag (wagon), car, clock, eat, trees, nose, etc. He is jabbering up a storm! He has learned many body parts and loves to say them while pointing them all out: ears, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, boobies (!), belly button, toes. He has also started trying to mimic what we say lately.
-Jackson is a wild child when it comes to physical activity. During playtime, he is fast at work playing, jabbering, squealing, throwing, climbing, running, trying to balance on his toys, racing his cars around, and pushing his toys across the room. He is also a dancing machine! I wish I could bottle that energy up for myself!
-The biting has stopped. Horray! He will occasionally still try and hit if he is really upset, but that is a rarity these days. Time out has been very effective and he is great at listening and following directions. I am amazed every day at what he understands when I talk to him.
-I think he has inherited my wild dreams. He seems to have very vivid dreams and often squeals, wimpers, talks, and laughs in his sleep. The other night I saw on the monitor that he was sleeping while sitting up in his crib. I'm not gonna lie, it was kind of creepy and I made Justin walk to his nursery with me so that I could lay him back down. Something about watching him sleep sitting up on a night vision camera just didnt sit well with me!
-He has been very open to trying new foods lately. There is still a lot that he wont put in his mouth, but we have been having daily small victories. Some of his new foods: bbq pork, pear chunks, apple chunks, scrambled eggs (finally!), carrots slices, cheesy poofs. He can use a spoon to feed himself now on his own, although it is still pretty messy. He has begun wanting to try whatever is on our plates.
-He is still so affectionate and he loves his mommy and daddy, no doubt about it. We are both extremely blessed to have jobs that allow us to be home with him a lot. Although he still prefers mommy when he is upset/sick, he has his days where he is all about his daddy. He loves to climb all over Justin and he will squeal with such delight when Justin lifts him up and throws him in the air. One of my favorite things that he does is that he will walk right up to one of us and give us a big kiss right on the mouth , totally unprompted. It melts my heart every time!
-He got his flu shot a few weeks ago and he weighed 23 1/2 lbs-this falls somwhere in the mid 30th percentile for weight. His doc said not to worry, that it is normal to see their weight gain slow down quite a bit. He is still growing perfectly, but his is very long and lean. His 15 month well visit is scheduled for after Thanksgiving, so he will actually be closer to 16 months. We will get all of his official stats then!
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