Ready for school
Working the "mote"
Another month has flown by! At 19 months:
-Jackson is a talking machine! He will repeat most things and he has a huge vocabulary already. It amazes me everyday the new words that he learns. He also loves to make animal noises, and his favorite is a monkey. If I mention a banana he will get really excited and start hollering like a monkey (ooh ooh ahh ahh) at the top of his lungs. This is really fun when we are in a quiet restaurant :)
-He loves to go play on the playground. He loves the slide and he always makes sure that one of us is watching so that we can make over him when he slides down. He also loves the swings and he will just laugh and laugh while on them. He recently started liking the merry-go-round. He is so independent and he wants to do everything on his own. He gives me small heart attacks at times because he will be on the jungle gym and will start walking backwards if he is distracted. He has fallen a few times, but thankfully not too far. He really enjoyes playing with other kids on the playground. I caught him recently trying to play "Boo!" with a little girl. He kept jumping out and saying "Boo" trying to scare her. She smiled at him and then ran away. haha!
-He will pretty much try any food that is put in front of him...except melons! He does not like any kind of melon so far. Who does that sound like? He is (finally) eating blueberries, strawberries, and grapes. I make him a fruit salad every day. He has started eating more chicken and scrambled eggs (not at the same time :) He had his first taste of fish and broccoli recently as well, which he seemed to like. Also, he is crazy about Mac and Cheese. We recently went to eat in Awendaw at SeeWee with his pediatrician, Dr. Drew. Jackson sat next to Dr. Drew and snuck bites of his mac n cheese until it was all gone! But, hey, it was SeeWee mac n cheese-can you blame him? :) He feeds himself completely now. I had been feeding him his yogurt for the most part, but the ladies at his MMO program said that he feeds himself there. When I heard that, I have him the spoon the next time he ate yogurt and he ate every bite by himself! He's not a baby anymore!
-He is responding very well to time out. When he does something that warrants a time out, we tell him to go to time out and he will walk to his time out spot in whichever room we are in. He will usually stand quietly and wait for us to tell him that he can come out. When he does, he walks up to either one of us and gives us a hug and says "sorry". That being said, sometimes when he is in time out, he will start dancing, playing "boo", doing other extremely cute things which makes us laugh at him. He knows he is being charming and he uses it. That is surely something that he gets from his daddy! For the most part, he is very well behaved...just a couple of seconds of nastiness here and there. He is still an angel at his MMO program. They said they have never once seen him pitch a fit about anything. I guess he saves that for us. Still, overall he is a happy go lucky guy! (for now, at least!)
-He is still obsessed with our boat. We keep it in our garage, so naturally he thinks that all garages hold boats. When we go for a wagon ride in our neighborhood, he points to every garage and yells "BOAT" really loud. He is also now obsessed with Annabelle. I finally let him pet her and she has been great with him. I was wary of letting her get too close after she semi attacked me during the altercation with the stray cat several months ago. She seems to really love Jackson and he is so happy following her around the yard. I just have to make sure that he doesnt step on her, because she might change her opinion after that!
-He is tall and skinny. People usually guess that he is two years old because he is really tall for his age. His eyes are still blue. Dr. Drew thinks he will probably be mostly blue eyed, although we all agreed that we think we see the slightest hint of a green sliver in his eyes. Dr. Drew's guess is that he will have blue/green eyes, more on the blue side. We'll see! He is getting his first haircut this coming week. I can't believe that he is 19 months old and never needed a haircut. It is getting kind of unruly now, so it is time. I will miss all of his curls!
-He is into stickers right now. I gave him some on the plane ride to Hawaii and he loved them. Now, he wants stickers all of the time. He loves to stick them all over himself and the house. He still loves to color, and he will try to color on the floor if I am not watching him closely. I wanna try fingerpaints soon. I imagine that will be fun! :P
-I am actively weaning him now. He is down to nursing 3 times a day. I am cutting the morning feeding out in a week or so. The plan is to be done for good in about 6 weeks. You know how well I stick to a weaning plan, though! I know I sound like a broken record, but for real though, I am feeling very serious about it now. Stay tuned.
We are loving every.single.minute with Jackson. He has such a wonderful sense of humor and he makes us laugh every day with something new that he does or says. I know I've said it before, but we are so lucky and blessed to be Jackson's parents!
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