Wednesday, May 18, 2011

21 Months!

Where's Jackson? Loves to ride his bike!

I am a little late on this update since we were on vacation last week. I can't believe that Jackson is just three months short of turning two. We put down the deposit for his 2nd birthday party. It is going to be at the Little Gym near our house. I am excited-I know he is going to love it! At 21 months:

-Jackson is jabbering up a storm. When he gets excited I have trouble understanding what he is saying. I wish I could figure it out. It is adorable! His favorite phrase is "what's this?" or "what is it?". He says that all the time. He still loves to read. I can tell he is really listening too. He has a book that has a school bus in it that I always point out. The other day we were sitting at a traffic light and he kept saying "school" over and over again. When I looked back, he was pointing at a bus next to us in traffic. Smart boy!

-His elevator obsession still runs strong. During our vacation last week, when we stayed in a hotel, we had to ride the elevator over and over. He gets extremely excited and will start stomping and dancing in the elevator. He also "helps" the doors close. The worst is getting him to leave the elevators when it is time to go. He cries and says "up and down" over and over on the car ride home.

-He loves Special Agent Oso on the Disney channel. He asks for "So" all the time. We let him watch one episode in the morning and one more after his nap. I don't know what it is about it, but he just loves that show. If he is crying, I will start singing the theme song and he will stop crying. Mickey has taken a backseat to Oso.

-He keeps going through periods of eating a ton of food and then not eating as much. I cut up a fruit salad for every meal and he loves it. He is still refusing most veggies, but his dr. says that is ok b/c he is getting what he needs from his vitamin. He has been doing great with eating chicken, and salmon but he is not a huge pasta fan. At dinner, sometimes I have to bribe him with ice cream. If I put the ice cream in front of him, he will eat whatever is on his plate!

-I think he has gotten taller. He just seems taller and bigger all of the sudden. He is also getting much more hair-finally! We are going to be getting haircut #2 very soon. I hope he doesn't cry this time!

-He is still so affectionate and sweet. He seems to be over his little nasty phase of being fussy and throwing fits...for now. I am sure it will come back soon. I am really enjoying this time with him. Tonight I was sitting on the couch reading a book and he came up behind me and put his arms around my neck and laid his head on my shoulder-it surely melted my heart! He is still very affectionate with Justin and when he is in bed with us, he is glued to Justin. Jackson is definitely a snuggler and I LOVE it!

-He is almost completely weaned. One last feeding to cut out, but my milk is almost gone. The end is near and it has been so much easier than I though and pretty stress free for both of us. More on that later...

-Church is going well, but he has begun to throw a fit as we walk in the nursery door. It is quite fun to walk past our pastor with a screaming child..haha, it's not that bad. The teachers say as soon as we leave, he stops crying almost immediately, so that makes me feel better. When we pick him up, he is always playing and having a good time. He'll get used to it soon-I hope!

-I wish I could remember all of the new stuff that he says and does, but honestly it is moving so fast these days. Jackson has the best sense of humor and we laugh every day with him. I just love to watch him and try to soak up every moment that we spend together. I love this boy so much!

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