Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rhett-15 weeks old

At 15 weeks:

-Rhett rolled over the other way! Now he can roll from front to back and also back to front. He is making movements like he wants to crawl and lunging forward during tummy time. I am posting  a video of his newest feat-rolling from front to back!

-He is grabbing his toys that hang over is playmat and trying to put them in his mouth. I am noticing his coordination is getting better by the day.

-He continues to want to be held all the time, especially during mealtimes. We had been putting him in his bouncy seat next to us during meals, but now he wants to be part of the action.

-He is sitting very well in his Bumbo seat! He is also grabbing his toes and rocking back and forth. I have also caught him putting his toes in his mouth. Gross, but so cute! :)

-He is night waking...a lot! I am up about every 2 hrs or so (sometimes less!) and therefore totally exhausted! I am not sure if it is a growth spurt or if it is the oh so fun 4 month "sleep monster" creeping in. Jackson stopped sleeping well at just about this same time and it was at least a solid month before it got any better.  I hope he gives me some sleep soon. Between being up all night and working all day, I am running on fumes!

-He is always trying to sneak and watch TV. I have to really keep him turned completely away from the TV or I will catch him craning his neck to see it.

-He is teething and drooling a ton. I am putting bibs on him during the day to keep his clothes dry.

-He is almost totally bald! He has a little party in the back, but mostly he is bald. Jackson was bald during this same time too. Also, my hair is falling out in clumps and it is so bad! I hope I still have hair left when it is all said and done.

-His little personality comes out more each day. He a smiley, happy baby for the most part. He is really amused by pretty much anything we do! Love this boy so much!

As for Jackson, he is doing great and we are planning for his 3 year old bday part in about a week and a half. He has been so silly lately and absolutely loves to make us laugh. He also loves to sing and dance. His newest song that he loves to sing is the "tossed salad and scrambled eggs" song from Frasier (must get a video of this soon!) and also the "Hi  my name is Joe, and I work in a button factory" song. I got so tickled when I heard him singing it the other day because I used to sing it as a child. Also, his memory continues to amaze me. He can "read" almost all of his books from memory and his current favorites are the "Llama Llama" series. He is fully potty trained and we are loving that! Love these boys so much too. We are blessed!

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