Since I am running about a week behind, I will attempt to play catch up and wrap up weeks 12 and 13 in a three month post instead. Rhett is 3 months old today...Happy 4th of July!
At three months old:
-Rhett has a raging case of cradle cap! I mean, it is worse than Jackson and Jackson really had it bad. We have tried baby oil and are now on to olive oil, which seems to be helping some. We may have to try something new if it doesn't improve soon. It doesn't seem to bother him at all, but poor little guy is all crusty on top. Also, his skin is still kind of dry despite putting lotion on him every day. Justin says he is molting because he is growing so fast!
-He is slowly but surely taking a bottle of pumped milk from Justin. The first time was great-he took right to it. After that, he flat out refused it and screamed when Justin tried to give it to him. We have been trying to do two small bottles a day to get him used to it in preparation for my work travel starting up and he is finally coming around. He doesn't like it, but he will take it if he gets pretty hungry. Thankfully when I am not traveling I am able to nurse him since I work out of a home office.
-He is ticklish and laughs every time I change him. It is really sweet. Also, he is happiest in the mornings. He looks at me and gives me a big smile.
-He loves to "stand up" and will stomp his little feet. He gets really excited about that.
-Tummy time is finally paying off. I guess he just decided out of nowhere to show off the other day and now is lifting his head and looking around. He is still rolling from side to side and trying so hard to kick his little leg over to roll over.
-He continues to "talk" and coo all of the time. He loves to play peek a boo.
-He is still sleeping well and waking 1-2 times a night to nurse. He goes right back to sleep and is still pretty much on the same schedule as Jackson as far as bedtime and nap time. I do wish Rhett's morning nap schedule would get more regular, but I know that will happen soon.
-He is definitely noticing his surroundings more and more. He pays more attention to Jackson and will give him some smiles. Also, he is SO good when we take him out. He just looks around and peacefully sits in his carrier/stroller.
-He has gotten great at grasping things with his hands. When I am nursing him, he will now open his little hand and lay it on my chest-so sweet. He also loves to grasp things with his monkey toes!
As for my big boy Jackson, he is almost fully potty trained. He has gone several days with no pee accidents. He is staying dry overnight and at nap time (yay!). The last challenge lies in getting him to go #2 in time. He knows to go to the potty but will have many false alarms where he thinks he has to go and then changes his mind once he sits on the potty. A few times he waited too late and when he told us he had to go (for the 10 time in a row!), he didn't quite make to the potty in time. So we are hoping he will learn what it feels like when it is time to go and that he will be patient once he sits down. But he has had several times where he made it in time and we are so proud of him!
I do have to mention, he had the tantrum of all tantrums yesterday. He has never really had bad temper tantrums or been difficult, but since Rhett has been born we have noticed some acting out. Yesterday when Justin picked him up from school his teachers said he was not himself and was not listening and acting out all day. They said it was not the Jackson that they know and that maybe he was overtired or getting sick. When we got him home he seemed fine and had lunch and then when it was nap time he threw a major fit! I mean he was screaming and crying and inconsolable. He fell out of his bed (thankfully didn't get hurt) and was sobbing and kicking. It was so sad. He was very angry at me and yelled to me that he was going to "Poke you in the face!". I have NEVER seen him this upset before. Finally after 30 minutes he fell asleep and was fine when he woke up. He asked me to snuggle with him when he woke up and we talked about how it was ok to feel mad or sad, but it was not ok to use unkind words or hands. I think he must have woken up really early that morning or something and was just exhausted. He had a great day today and seems to be back to himself. Not sure what that was about. Me and Justin always just try to remain patient, but firm with him and give him constant love and attention. I always tell him that I will love him forever no matter what and he gets so much affection every day from both of us. I know Rhett's arrival has thrown Jackson for a real loop, but he is adjusting slowly but surely. I tell him daily that no matter how tall he gets or how old he is, he and Rhett will always be my babies. Love these boys so much (even when they threaten to poke me in the face-haha)!
12 Weeks
3 Months Old (13 weeks tomorrow)
Silly with stickers
getting his present for going poopy in the potty successfully for the first time
Showing off his big boy underwear!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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