Monday, May 18, 2009

27 Weeks

Today we got to see our beautiful little boy again, and I have attached several pictures from our ultrasound. The baby looked wonderful and he is currenly weighing in at 2.5 lbs. The ultrasound tech took his measurements and he is measuring slightly ahead, in the 57th percentile. My amniotic fluid level looked great and he is positioned head down, which was wondeful news. My doctor said there was a slight chance that he could rotate before delivery, but that it is unlikely. During the ultrasound he was an active little guy and at one point he was folded completely in half with his feet over his head. We got some great shots of his feet, face, and his "boy parts" again, which he was very happy to show off. I also took my glucose test today which tests for gestational diabetes and I passed with flying colors! Yay! From the looks of things today, it appears that he has my nose, Justin's mouth, and Justin thinks that he has my chin. But I guess we will just have to wait and see! Either way, he is already SO cute. I can't believe that we will get to meet him in just 13 weeks.

This past week was eventful and fun-filled, as it was my graduation weekend. I graduated on Friday morning and was sitting in the sun in a black cap and gown the whole time...It was H-O-T!! Steven Colbert was our speaker and so the graduation speech was really fun and interesting. I had a WONDERFUL time celebrating through all of the weekend festivities with friends and family. I was so tired yesterday and had a fun day on the couch vegging out and watching movies. All in all, this past week was a wonderful week and I am so very thankful for that!

1 comment:

  1. All of the pictures are beautiful!!! I cannot get over how well you can really see his face. It looked like he was sleeping, but you said he was super active-he must be a squirmy sleeper;) Congratulations on graduating!!! Can't wait to actually see you and hear about everything. Love you-Jess and Stephen
