Monday, August 3, 2009

38 Weeks

This weeks picture looks different because I took it myself and the lighting is all funky. Also, the pack and play is all set up now, so I couldnt get in my usual photo spot. At our dr. appt last Thursday, we found out that I am still 1 cm, but now 70-80% effaced....good news! Also at the appt, I was able to get my dr. to scoot us in for a quick ultrasound to check the baby's size. Karen is our ultrasound tech (we love her!) and she took some quick measurements that showed Jackson weighing 6 1/2 pounds. Of course this is just an estimate, but we were happy with that! Plus we got to see Jackson practicing his breathing, which Karen said was something that you dont always see on ultrasound. The funniest part was that we got to see the top of his head and there was lots of hair on it! Who knew you could see hair on ultrasound?! He is in the perfect position, head down and ready to go but still sitting pretty high. The good news is that he moved down considerably from last week. So we are still slowly making progress! Our next appt is Friday afternoon.

As for me, I am just not sleeping well any more and having to sleep sitting up at times during the night due to heartburn/conjestion. Also, the swelling has taken over this week! My feet and ankles have officially become one and for the first time ever, I have "cankles"! I have always had such bony toes and fingers, so it is weird to look down and see the difference. Justin was shocked at how big my ankles and toes were a few nights ago. Today was especially bad and my coworker told me it looked like you could just stick a pin in my foot and deflate it! HA! Here is a picture from a few minutes ago, although they arent near as bad as they were earlier today! And what is that crease in my left ankle? It has been there for days even though I haven't worn anything that would leave a mark...I guess that is just part of the swelling? Niiiicce....

I am still working full steam ahead and work has been exceptionally busy last week and this week. The good news is that I am getting a lot accomplished, and I am able to tie up many loose ends before I go out on maternity leave. I want to work up until I go into labor so that I can use all of my 12 weeks of leave with Jackson. The nice thing is that I have stopped my travel and I am strictly working out of the office. One thing that I have been bad about this week is calling people back! I am so thankful for all of the calls to check up on me and I truly appreciate them all. I guess I have been so tired after a full day of work, gym, dinner, the end of the day I am just pooped. So: Lauren, Brooke, Becca, Meri, Sarrrrrra, JennyO, and anyone that I am forgetting right now...I am calling you soon and I am SO sorry for being MIA-well moreso than usual!! :)
Justin has now finished setting everything up, and the pack and play is ready to go and in our room. This is where Jackson will sleep for awhile when he comes home:

We are both getting so excited/anxious to meet our little baby and the days seem like they are dragging along. The full moon is in a few days, and I am hoping that might factor into Jackson's arrival...we'll see! We will make sure to keep everyone updated and we really appreciate all of the well wishes, prayers, and encouragement that people are sending!! And for those of you that told me you laughed at the Grimace comparison last week, here is what I am feeling like this week! :) FEED ME!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Is that the turd from Weird Science? You are so hilarious Amber! I'm praying for you and for an uncomplicated, super easy delivery! Love you missy...Whit
