Tuesday, October 6, 2009

8 Weeks

Hope you enjoy the pics of Jackson from today. He is officially a little over 8 weeks old and a couple days short of being 2 months old...Time is flying! Tomorrow is his big dr. appt to see Dr. Drew (pediatrician) and Justin and I are both dreading having to take our precious baby for his shots. I hope he doesnt hold it against us too much :( His little frown still breaks my heart every time he is unhappy.
He has been doing great with this sleeping and gives us anywhere between 6-7 1/2 hours every night, which is great! He is also napping a little more during the day and has begun to like his swing again which gives me a little more of a break. He loves to be held a lot and to snuggle with mommy or daddy during naptime. We have also come to the conclusion that he is just not going to be a pacifier baby. He would take it for about 5-10 minutes at a time during his first few weeks, but now he wont take it at all. We have tried several different types, and he gets extremely offended when you put any of them in his mouth. If he is already crying and upset, you can FORGET trying to give him a pacifier, as it seems to make him even more mad! We are so fortunate that although he hates the paci, he will take bottles of pumped milk, usually from his daddy. He only gets an occasional bottle (about 2 per week) but he goes back and forth between the bottle and breast easily...thank goodness!! He is still exclusively on breastmilk and I plan to keep it that way for as long as possible. So far so good :)
We weighed him tonight and we both got 11 lbs even for his weight...We will have his official weight tomorrow and I am looking forward to that because I want to see how accurate our weight estimates are. He is definitely getting heavier to carry around. He is like a little piglet or butterball turkey! In the pictures above, he is wearing his "Leo" onesie, which was the very first baby purchase that Justin and I made. If you can read the small print, it says "born leader and loves the limelight"...I think that will be true!
I realize that every post is all about Jackson, so I will add that Justin and I are doing great! We are just enjoying every day of this new life and getting out a good bit. We try take Jackson out several times a week for picnics in the park, lunch out at restaurants, shopping, etc. We have already been for family walks on the Battery, Waterfront Park, Azalea Park, the County Park, and many others. Justin and I got to go out on our own to a friend's couples shower last weekend and it was strange to be alone, but really nice to get out for a little while with just the two of us. Still, we missed Jackson so much when we were out and thought/talked about him most of the time! :)
Well, I will try and do a short update tomorrow after his appt about how it went. Heres hoping that it goes better than we are expecting :)

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