Friday, March 9, 2012

34-36 weeks

Tomorrow I will be 36 weeks!! We have just a few weeks left to go before we meet our baby. The past few weeks have gone well. I don't really have any really exciting updates, but there have been a few new developments.

I keep having some round ligament pain on the right side, which has really jolted me at times. I don't know why it is only on the right side. My dr said it could be that my uterus is slightly tilted and thus creating more pain on one side. Sometime it feels like it could be a nerve issue instead, but I didn't have this with Jackson. It has been happening since around 20 weeks or so, but it is getting more constant now. For example, if I am in a certain position for too long, it really acts up. And in general, I am just having more aches and pains as this baby keeps growing.

I think he is about 6 lbs now, or close to it. As for me-I am up 29 lbs now, so I am definitely on track to gain at least 10 lbs less than I did with Jackson...yeah! Sometimes when I am holding Jackson, Justin will offer to take him and I am like "Hey, I am already carrying around an extra 30 lbs, what's 30 more?" ha! I wonder why I am having more aches than with Jackson and gaining less weight-Well theres my answer. Keeping up with a 2 1/2 year old wild man is exhausing! Thank God Justin takes him out every day and makes sure Jackson gets out some of this energy. I try to keep up, but I am slowing down by the day :)

I had my 36 week appt yesterday and that included my Group B strep test, which I won't get the results back for about a week. I did have my first fun "cervical" check, which showed that the baby is still head down ( yay!), but it also showed that my cervix is completely closed and just beginning to soften. I thought for sure I would have some dilation, but I was wrong. With Jackson at this point, I was already almost 1 cm diated and 50% effaced. I thought the second baby was supposed to come faster??? I guess this boy wants to stay put for awhile.

We did set an induction date for April 4th, so if he doesn't come before then, we will be at the hospital bright and early on 4/4. This would be so special, because Justin and I began dating on 4/4/04, which as always been a special date for us. Plus, Jackson was born on 8/8, so it would just be kinda cool. We'll see if this baby has other plans, though!

I am going to try and update every week until the big day, so stay tuned. Also, we had some sad news 2 weeks ago. My grandmother who was 88 years old passed away unexpectedly. I am going to write more on that later, but that is another reason for my slackness with the blog.

I will update after my appt next week!! Until then, here are some pictures of Big Momma:

Me and my big brother after the funeral. Please excuse the sloppiness of my outfit-It was a long and sad day!

36 Weeks-I need to remember to smile when I take these!

That's better! :)

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