YAY for 30 weeks! This past week was a fun and eventful one. We started our baby classes last Tuesday and Thursday night. Tuesday was the first of three classes where we learn all about the delivery process and get a tour of the labor unit in the hospital. Thursday was a one-time class on breastfeeding. The delivery class was fun UNTIL Justin started trying to be funny. We had to practice breathing (lamaze) and our husbands were supposed to count our breaths. Well, Justin started making all of these faces at me when we were supposed to be relaxing and I started busting out laughing. Then he started laughing and we couldnt stop. I was laughing so hard, I was crying! Of course, the rest of the class was taking it seriously while we looked like two immature kids. It did make me feel better when one other couple started chuckling, though! Then, the teacher had the moms lie on our side and had the dads try and practice massaging. She wanted the dads to massage our foreheads, and Justin knows that I dont like being touched in the face, so he started massaging my scalp instead, which made me laugh again. Only it was not relaxing because as soon as I laid down, I started getting the worst heartburn ever. I just wanted the "relaxation" part of the class to end!! Overall, it was a lot of fun and we learned some new stuff. I hope we are able to behave better at tonight's class :) As for the breastfeeding class, Justin wasnt going to come, but when he walked me to the door, 80% of the dads were in the class so he didnt want me to be there all alone. It was mainly just videos that we watched and slideshows, but by the end, we were ready to get the heck out of there! I've never seen so many nipples in my life, and to be honest, it was kind of nipple overkill. Justin was on his best behavior, though, and only laughed a few times! :)
Lets see, other bit things that happened this week: My coworker was due with a baby boy 6 days before Jackson is due, and the baby came a little under 10 weeks early last Thursday night! He was 3 lbs, 7 oz, and from what I know, he and mom are doing well. He was born at 30 1/2 weeks and I can't wait to see pictures of the little guy. I was shocked when I found out that he was born, because it made me realize that our day is getting closer and closer. Anyway, I am so happy for Kristen and Pete and I can't wait to meet their little bundle. Also, I found out more exciting news on Friday. One of my good friends from waaay back in the day (who also happens to be one of my favorite people) is pregnant....with twins!! I couldnt be happier for Whitnei and Damian on their news and I know they will make fantastic parents!
Lastly, Justin and I went on our "babymoon" this past weekend to Savannah and Tybee Island. We had a wonderful time and stayed at a great bed and breakfast called The Tybee Island Inn. Some of the highlights from our trip:
-We walked to the Tybee Island Lighthouse and toured the area. I wanted to climb to the top of the lighthouse, but Justin thought that wasnt the best idea. In the end, I won out and I am happy to say that I climbed the spiral steps to the top of the lighthouse in just a few minutes at 7 1/2 months pregnant! Justin was behind me the whole time like a mother hen, just in case I was to fall backward, and he made me hold onto the rails the whole way up! In case you are wondering, the lighthouse is 154 feet tall, and has 178 stairs. I attached a picture for your viewing pleasure :) I didnt hang out too long at the top, however, because the railing was very low and the wind was howling. I kept picturing myself flying off the side, and that kept me clinging to the side of the lighthouse....sooooo, down we went. One thing that has been important to me is that I stay in decent shape during this pregnancy, and I was proud of myself for being able to do that!

-We walked/shopped along River Street in Savannah, and had lunch at Paula Deen's Lady and Sons Restaurant. Let me just say that it was fabulous and we both thought we were gonna pop when we walked out of the restaurant. The mashed potatoes there were some of the best that I have ever had. I am quite sure that those potatoes contained my daily fat intake in one serving due to all of the BUTTER!
-We went down and took a walk on the beach at Tybee.
-It was raining on Friday night, so we went into Savannah to see the movie "The Hangover". This is HANDS DOWN the funniest movie of the year. I loved everything about it and we laughed the entire time. If you like movies like wedding crashers, old school, superbad, etc, you will LOVE it too. So don't miss it!
-We ate at several local restaurants on Tybee, and enjoyed delicious breakfasts at our inn. We had some interesting fellow guests at the Inn, one lady who grew up in South Africa. She had the coolest accent. You never know who you are going to meet at a B&B!
-We visited Fort Pulaski, which was overtaken by the Yankees during the Civil war. (BOO!) My favorite part was standing on the ramparts overlooking Tybee Island, which is the same place that Robert E. Lee stood when he gave personal instructions to strengthen the defenses of Fort Pulaski.
-From all of our walking/climbing, we were both like two old and busted people on Sunday. Both of our legs were really sore! Yet we still hit the gym that afternoon (because we're strong like that!). Yesterday morning, I paid for it because I had this weird tingling/aching/weakness in my wrists, arms, back, and shoulders. We called the dr. and she thinks it is pregnancy induced carpal tunnel, caused by extra swelling which compresses the medial nerve. It really cramped my style yesterday and I felt pretty bad in the morning, although I am feeling back 100% today. Justin has banned me from the gym until at least Friday, and I am ok with that!
I think these are all of the big things from last week. My first baby shower is coming up in two weeks, and I can't wait! Baby shower # 2 will be the second weekend in July, and invites are going out for that soon. I am also excited for June 26th, which is when I get to cash in my graduation gift from Justin....3rd Row, center seats to see Jerry Seinfeld!! Woo hoo.
One last thing: I did get some devastating (ok, maybe not devastating) news this week! The Counting Crows are playing at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach on Aug. 20th. Jackson's due date is Aug 16th. Adam Duritz has said that this tour will be really special for CC fans, because the sets will be long and the venues will be more intimate. As someone who LOVES (and I mean LOVES) Adam and the Counting Crows, this news makes me feel sick. Even if Jackson comes early, I won't leave him for the concert, and if he comes late, theres no way Mr. Whaley would be ok with possibly going into labor at a concert, almost 2 hours away from our hospital. (Secretly I think it would be awesome to go into labor at my favorite band's concert. I mean, wouldn't that be such a cool story to tell Jackson later?) SOooooooo, I have to sit this one out. I have decided to try my best to live in denial about this. It sounds silly, but it makes me sad every time I think about it. Justin keeps teasing me that he is going to go and get to meet Adam...how mean! I told him that if that happens, I will throw up. So, Adam, here's to you. I'll hopefully catch you on the next trip through!

***I would like to add, however, that I wouldnt trade having this little baby for anything in the world, and I count my blessings every single day. I would miss a million Counting Crows concerts in a heartbeat if it meant having little Jackson here. So don't feel TOO sorry for me :)