Tuesday, June 23, 2009

32 Weeks

This past week was a whirlwind and was tons of fun. Lets see, Tuesday was our last lamaze class and Justin did better than expected. He did look at the ceiling during the graphic parts of the vaginal delivery videos, but we were on our best behavior during the breathing exercises. We also got to take a tour of the hospital's labor and delivery floor, which was fun. It was crazy to see the nursery where little Jackson will be and the rooms where he may be delivered. We also got to see the OR in the event of a c-section. It feels good to be familiar with where we are going to be for such an important day. Now the only classes that we have left are infant CPR and newborn class. Those will both be in July.

Friday the festivities began in preparation for my first baby shower on Saturday. I got my hair cut (as you can see!) and also colored. It is just slightly darker than before, but there is no more gray...YAY! I noticed my first gray hair the day after my 25th birthday, and I have been slowly noticing more and more as the years go on. (BOO!) My hair is slightly shorter now than I wanted, but it is much healthier and feels more lightweight. This is really nice since Charleston has been getting some majorly hot weather lately!

On Saturday morning, Justin and I went to get maternity portraits taken. Our photographer was great and took almost 500 shots. I will hopefully get to see the proofs soon! Then it was time for the baby shower. While I was at the shower, Justin went out on the boat with his friends. Meri, Brooke, and Becca threw the shower at a beautiful house on IOP. Lauren made the cake, and I LOVED it!! My favorite part is the baby butt hanging out of the present. :) And of course, the cake was not only hilarious, but tasted delicious! The food, games, etc. were great and I enjoyed seeing and spending time with my friends and family. THANK YOU Meri, Brooke, and Becca for throwing me such a wonderful shower. Justin and I are also SO thankful for all of the wonderful gifts that Jackson received, and we can't wait to get the nursery set up. Here are a few pictures from the shower. Becca also got some really great shots with her camera, and I can't wait until I get those as well. As for the rest of the weekend, we stayed out at the house and just enjoyed relaxing and spending time with friends. It was truly a wonderful weekend! Here are just a few pictures for now. I will try and post more later!

Today, Justin broke down the bed that was in the nursery and put it away. The painting will begin tomorrow and then Justin will get the baby furniture all set up. It is hard to believe that there are less than 8 weeks to go before we get to meet our precious little baby. He reminds me that he is a strong little guy with his movements that get bigger and more powerful by the day!

1 comment:

  1. Had a wonderful time with ya'll this past weekend! I loved watching you and Justin this weekend-he's so attentive! Ya'll are going to be amazing parents!

    Amber, you look absolutely beautiful pregnant. You've always been beautiful, but definitely have a certain glow about you now.

    Can't wait for Jackson to get here and plan on heading into Charleston as soon as I get "the call". ;-) Of course, I'll see you before then though!

    Hugs and Love to ya'll and can't wait to see the pics from your "photo shoot"!
