Monday, April 27, 2009

24 Weeks

This week is a milestone for us!! 24 Weeks marks the beginning of fetal viability, meaning that if the baby were to be born now, he would have a decent chance of survival. With each passing week, the odds of survival increase significantly. For some reason, I find a lot of comfort in knowing that! We had our regular prenatal appt last Friday, and everything looked great. Jackson's heartrate was in the upper 130's and sounded nice and strong, which is always music to our ears. We managed to bribe our OB into ordering one last ultrasound for our next appointment at 28 weeks-Yay! She seems to think that we will get the best 3D face shots at that time, since the baby will have some fat on him by then. So naturally I can't wait for that appointment. Over the last few days, Jackson has been moving SO much and his movements are getting much stronger. Sometimes I have this weird sensation like he is completely rolling over in there! People are really starting to ask when I am due, so I guess I must be showing a lot more now. I am also sleeping harder than I ever have before and falling asleep around 9/9:30 pm these days. Lame, although I suppose I should enjoy it while I can! I am thinking about switching my blog pictures to "shirt down" pictures, because I don't really know that people want to be looking at the bare belly at this stage of the game. I don't know, we'll see!

Let's see, in other news this week, this past Saturday was my mom's 50th birthday!! It was great being able to celebrate through all of the birthday festivities with her, and I think she had a really nice birthday!! I really had a wonderful time just spending time with her, and I am so blessed to have her as my mom!! Also, today I took my LAST final exam for school. I am officially finished with grad school...hooray! I finished just in time for Justin to start graduate school, which will be in early May :) I will be graduating with honors, which has been my goal from the I feel great about that! Its hard for me to believe that now I don't have to worry about exams, papers, projects for school anymore...But it feels great!

1 comment:

  1. You look wonderful!!! So great to hear all of the good news. I'll be crossing my fingers and saying prayers that you continue to sleep really well! Love ya-Jess and Stephen
