Tuesday, May 22, 2012

All things Jackson...

There are so many cute and funny things that Jackson has done/said lately that I want to remember. You just never know what is going to come out of his mouth. And he is ALWAYS listening and repeating what he hears, so we have to be so careful. Here are some of the things that he has said lately. For most of these, I have no idea where he gets them from!

-When I ask him to do something, he has started saying "Aye aye, captain Mommy!"

-When Rhett starts crying in his swing, Jackson will walk up to him and pat him and say "Don't worry baby Rhett...Mommy will come and get you soon, I just know it!"

-Several times a day, he will say "Mommy/Daddy, you are my best friend!".  A few times he has gotten mad and said to me "No mommy you are NOT my best friend" :)

-When Justin tells him they are going to go outside together and play, Jackson gets really excited and says "YAY I am SO happy!" and jumps around the room.

-His new favorite movie is The Lion King and he loves to talk about animals and bugs. He goes through each one and asks me the same question for each. For example: "Mommy are sharks naughty or nice?", "Mommy, can we touch sharks?", "Mommy, can we eat Sharks?".

-Ever since he started watching the Lion King, he eats his fruit snacks off of the table without using his hands. He bends his head down like a lion and picks them off the table with his mouth. I have to keep explaining that we are humans, not animals and we use our hands and utensils to eat.

-He loves to pull his shirts over his head and make silly faces. He will do just about anything to get a laugh from me and Justin and he gets really tickled when we laugh at him.

-He is really getting into using adjectives. Some of his favorites "Daddy, this is AWESOME or AMAZING, or COOL!

-He has really begun singing more and will sing spontaneously on his own when he is playing independently. Some of his favorite songs at the moment: The Lion sleeps tonight, Hakuna Matata, Jesus loves me, The Bear Hunt song, Twinkle Twinkle little star, ABCs, Free Falling, Beautiful Life by Edwin McCain, and the Creature Report song from the Disney show "Octonots". Also, we listen to Sting radio on Pandora every morning while we eat breakfast. This kid can pick out a Sting song a mile away. He also is really good at picking out Bob Marley and Sarah McLachlan.

-He recites the Pledge of Allegiance and puts his hand over his heart.

-He is in love with kicking and throwing a ball. He keeps talking about wanting to play soccer.

-He is still crazy about all things cars and trains!

-He is really into dancing, wiggling, jumping, twisting, and stretching. He has learned a lot of these at school. It is adorable to watch!

-He can point out so many musical instruments. He knows drums, guitar, piano, tuba, trombone, trumpet, etc just to name a few. He also uses the terms adagio, moderato, allegro, and presto to describe speed. He learned this from watching the show "Little Einsteins" , which he loves. It is amazing how much he pays attention and then uses the words appropriately. They are such sponges at this age!

Now for some not so nice things he has picked up (no doubt from kids at school). Just keeping in real! I swear it drives me crazy when he comes home saying some things because we are so careful about what we say around him. Sometimes, we just have to ask him "WHO taught you this?"

"Mommy/Daddy, I am going to toot on your face". (Of course once Justin laughs at this, so Jackson thinks it is funny to say now! )

"Mommy/Daddy, I am going to kick your face" -This one makes me so mad. He gets in big trouble for saying this.

"Mommy can I drink your booby?" or "Mommy can I touch your boobies?" HAHA-this is of course due to his curiosity when Rhett is nursing.

"Mommy/Daddy, can we eat poop?" When he poops in his diaper, he will say "WHOA that is a BIG poopy! :)

Ahh, this boy keeps us on our toes!! He is just so precious to us and constantly amazes us with his humor, wit, sweetness, and intelligence. Also, his memory is just amazing. He doesn't forget a thing.

I am sure there is so much that I am leaving out, but these are just a few things that he has been doing/saying lately. I can't believe he will be 3 in August! We are having his party at the children's museum downtown this year.

This week is his last week of 2 year old preschool. He will continue to do the summer program at our church and vacation bible school this summer. He starts back to regular preschool in August and must be potty trained by then. So we are about to get REAL serious up in this house about using the potty! Here are several pictures/videos that I have taken over the last few months. I just love this child to pieces!

                                                           Singing "Jesus Loves Me"

Spelling his name and singing songs

This video is Jackson singing a variation of the Bear Hunt song. It is supposed to be "Two black furry ears, one black wet nose, two sharp pointy teeth"...but Jackson changed the lyrics to "one black wet fanny" It is so cute! We laugh at him every time!

1 comment:

  1. These are hilarious - thanks for sharing. I think my two favorites are "aye aye Captain Mommy!" and "Don't cry baby Rhett...Mommy will come get you soon...I just know it!" Too cute :)
